Toasted Quinoa Flour is a flavourful, versatile ingredient that enhances a variety of applications. With its rich and nutty taste, it’s perfect for baking or creating gluten-free recipes with a unique twist.
Toasting: Toasted Quinoa Flour is obtained from locally grown quinoa seeds by using our advanced toasting and grinding technologies. The light toasting gives the flour a slightly nutty quinoa flavour, improves microbiology and reduces enzyme activity. We also have a non-toasted flour available.
Wholegrain: The quinoa we use as raw material is grown using low-saponin varieties. This means that we don’t have to desaponise by removing the outer layer of the seed. Because of this our quinoa remains wholegrain.
Functional ingredient: Toasted Quinoa Flour has a fine particle (size of < 250 um D0.95) and is therefore suitable for a wide range of products. It can be used to add different functional properties to your product such as binding and thickening.
Allergen-free: Toasted Quinoa Flour is EU-14 allergen-free (gluten-free <20 ppm) and is therefore very suitable in gluten-free bakery products.
Suitable for: Kosher, halal, vegetarian & vegan
Perfect in: Bakery products, sports shakes, soups, spreads and gluten-free products
Available in conventional and organic​
Nutty flavour
Fine particle size
Non-GMO and no additives