Our Quinoa

Want to know more about quinoa and all its nutritional benefits? Keep on reading!


What is quinoa?

Quinoa are the seeds harvested from the quinoa plant (Chenopodium quinoa Willd).

Quinoa is family of spinach and beetroot, since they all belong to the Amaranth family. Because of this, quinoa has some interesting nutritional properties. It is for example high in iron, magnesium and phosphorus, and its proteins have a 100% amino acid score (for adults) and a high digestibility (92%).

Quinoa is not a cereal, but a so-called ‘pseudo-cereal’. Pseudo-cereals are not part of the grass-family, like wheat or oats, but can be used for cereal applications due to their starchy seeds. Quinoa is gluten-free, and therefore an interesting option for gluten-free products. 

We grow our quinoa locally, in The Netherlands and Belgium, with new quinoa varieties developed by Wageningen University & Research. Learn more about this on the Local Cultivation page.



The nutritional benefits of our quinoa

High protein quality
Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants
Low glycaemix index
High in fiber
Unsaturated fatty acids

Nutritional benefits

Frequently asked questions

Our quinoa is whole grain because we don’t remove the outer layer of the seed.

Traditional South American quinoa varieties contain saponin in the outer layer. Saponin is a bitter substance and therefore has to be removed. This is done by removing the outer layer of the seed. However, because we use new quinoa varieties that are low in saponin, we are able to leave this fiber-rich layer in place. Therefore, our quinoa is whole grain.

You can compare this to the difference between white rice and brown rice. This is also the reason why our quinoa is slightly darker in color.

Quinoa is a source of protein (min 12% of the energy is provided by protein), and the proteins are of a high quality.

This protein quality is indicated by the amino acid score, a score which indicates if proteins contain all 9 essential amino acids in the right amounts for the human body. Quinoa has an amino acid score of 100% (for adults), and therefore contains all 9 in the right quantities. Grains often have deficiency in the essential amino acid lysine, and beans often have a methionine deficiency. Quinoa contains a surplus of both amino acids and can therefore supplement deficiencies.

Quinoa proteins also have a high digestibility (92%) which means they are efficiently absorbed by the body. This makes quinoa a valuable source of protein.

Quinoa is high in vitamins B1, B9 and E and is source of vitamin B6. Quinoa is also high in the minerals phosphorus, magnesium, iron, and a source of zinc. Vitamins, minerals and trace elements are so-called micronutrients and are essential for good health. 

Quinoa is rich in antioxidants such as quercetin and kaempferol. Antioxidants help protect the body from oxidative stress and free radical damage.

The glycaemic index (GI) is a score for the speed at which blood sugar levels rise after a person has eaten carbohydrates. Quinoa has a low GI, which means that the carbohydrates in quinoa break down slowly and release their glucose gradually into the blood. Low GI foods contribute to long-term health and balanced blood sugar control.

Our quinoa is high in fibre and therefore contributes to a healthy intestinal system. Unlike with traditional quinoa varieties, we keep the fiber-rich outer layer in place, ensuring our quinoa remains whole grain for added nutritional benefits.

Quinoa is high in omega 3 fatty acids and low in saturated fats. Over 85% of the fats found in quinoa are unsaturated, primarily consisting of omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids.